(416) 985-2598 kim@weaveconsulting.ca


Weave takes careers to the next level with executive coaching designed to foster confidence, capabilities and accelerate results. Easily navigate business transitions, leadership challenges, personal and cultural blind spots with a winning coach in your corner.

Weave offers one hour customized coaching sessions delivered in person or through virtual environments in block series of 5, 10 or 20 sessions.

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Executive Coaching

Just as any elite athlete wouldn’t consider competing without a coach, successful CEOs see coaching as a tool for improving their already high performance. The remedial approach to coaching to help fix toxic behavior at the top is a thing of the past in an era of parachuted CEO’s and aggressive success metrics. Ineffective leadership is no longer corrected – it’s replaced. 

Weave’s leadership coaching is a potent solution for ensuring top performance from an organization’s most critical team members and releasing talent from high-potential managers, using proven models and tools to immediately activate learning.

Targeted techniques will accelerate performance when executives are faced with conflict management, motivating teams and managers, learning new skills, taking on new roles or accountabilities, or simply trying to focus on doing the “right” things more often. Weave’s coaching establishes clear coaching goals, candid dialogue, holds just the right amount of tension to enable growth and change and asks the profound questions that enable insights and unlock potential.

Weave offers individual coaching in one hour, one-on-one in person or virtual environments:

  • Series of 5
  • Series of 10
  • Series of 20

Success in today’s modern workplace involves navigating increased complexity, globalization, multi-generational workplaces and the constant demand for more, better, faster. Enhancing self-awareness, fostering key business competencies and applying practical tools can help maximize an individual’s value and effectiveness regardless of their position in or outside of an organization.

Weave individual coaching engages a proven philosophy that self-awareness is the cornerstone of success. Taping into individual worth has never been as important with less time, less resources and more ambiguity within any business landscape. Weave utilizes practical models and critical assessments tools to quickly and efficiently identify individual abilities. Weave leverages strengths and mitigates barriers to fast-track success – turning self awareness into tangible skills. 

Weave offers individual coaching in one hour, one-on-one in person or virtual environments:

  • Series of 5
  • Series of 10
  • Series of 20

Career transition is one of the most challenging times in professional life; transitions that come with a new job, career, leadership role, or shifting business can prove a test for even the most senior executives. With increased expectation and challenge, less time to make an impact, and the pressure to deliver results – transitional periods need to be powerful and positive.

Weave works with clients to develop their careers, reach new levels of professional achievement and assume new roles. Weave also assists clients who are adjusting to changes in their business, as well as business executives who want relate to new clients, grow relationships or transition into new roles and responsibilities. Weave’s dedicated career coaching can provide essential support by increasing clarity, providing safe and confidential sounding board for consideration, opportunities to experiment and practice, and develop physical and emotional resilience.

Weave offers individual coaching in one hour, one-on-one in person sessions or virtual environments:

  • Series of 5
  • Series of 10
  • Series of 20

Women occupy only 15.2% of Fortune 500 board seats and even fewer CEO and top team leadership slots. Combine this fact with a new economic imperative to create greater gender diversity at top organizational levels in order to capitalize on women’s organizational experience and consensus-building skills; the professional opportunities have never been richer for high-performance women to make their mark in the workplace and leadership roles.

Weave’s coaching for women empowers women in business to strive and succeed in their professional goals. Weave coaching can help to provide a career “road map” to accelerate progress and provide direction. Focused on the unique attitudinal challenges women face in the workplace, Weave helps women to: send the right signals and get the right responses; achieve results within diverse cultural and ethnic teams; apply assertiveness techniques and tools; and command respect.

Weave offers coaching for women in one hour, one-on-one in person or virtual environments:

  • Series of 5
  • Series of 10
  • Series of 20

Being a small to medium size business owner can be a solitary pursuit owning one hundred percent of accountability and sharing none of the responsibility – with little or no sounding board to count on. Many entrepreneurs are great at delivering their core offerings but will count on a trial and error approach to navigating their business leading to inefficiencies, set backs and costly mistakes.

Weave provides insights from a successful entrepreneur who understands the nature of both leading and operating a business, as well as the plateaus that small to medium size business owners face during a business’ lifetime. Weave’s customized coaching for entrepreneurs can provide thoughtful and informed insights, best practice counsel, identify blind spots, explore solutions and opportunities from an outside perspective, and hold a business owner accountable to actions and progress.

Weave offers coaching for entrepreneurs in one hour, one-on-one in person or virtual environments:

  • Series of 5
  • Series of 10
  • Series of 20
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