(416) 985-2598 kim@weaveconsulting.ca


When accelerated results are required, facilitation from Weave can help to move individuals and organizations out of the proverbial “small pond.” Weave’s professional experienced facilitation combines a congenial, insightful approach with an experienced business outlook inspiring alignment, critical buy-in and insights to help an organization or team’s pivot their strategy to optimize opportunities.

Weave unlocks the potential of teams to envision strategies and deftly navigates transitional business periods through the use of various graphic facilitation techniques.

Weave group facilitation takes place in person,

    • Half day programs
    • Full day programs
    • Multi-day programs

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Team facilitation is a cost effective and strategic approach that can be used for a wide variety of results and applications for teams or groups of individuals with common demands. Group coaching requires strong, relatable and efficient facilitation that speaks the language of the group and will drive deliverable results.

Weave’s team facilitation is an excellent solution for problem solving, sharing support and accountabilities to take actions, deep networking, employee engagement and buy-in and enhancing core leadership skills. Weave provides an engaging and congenial facilitator expert in the structures that tap into greatness and keeps individuals motivated and on track.

Weave provides customized group coaching workshops and facilitation in half day, full and multiple day sessions.


Strategic workshops are important to garner insights, alignment and critical buy-in. Off-site staff retreats offer an invaluable opportunity for the whole team to pause, step back from their everyday duties of the business, and gain enough perspective to reflect in constructive ways.

Weave’s approach to corporate retreats contributes to a cohesive and harmonious workplace culture, a shared unified corporate vision, getting employees on board with systems and strategies, and allows employees to contribute a voice in the organization. A retreat with Weave’ will not only sharpen focus and clarify priorities; but will boost staff morale and benefit your bottom line.

Weave offers half day, one day or multi-day retreat and workshop experiences.


Businesses ensure growth and profitability by continuously re-evaluate goals, business models, plans of attack and focus. Many points in a business demand agility in changes in leadership behaviour, competencies, attitudes, and thinking.

Weave facilitation can help to navigating potentially treacherous business junctures that often determine the ultimate success or failure of an organization. Weave can help to facilitate changes in the strategic direction of the corporation, a merger, acquisition or reorganization, the development of a new product line or a shift in the competitive market place, helping to monitor the environment and adjust strategies to match changing business demands.

Weave provides strategy facilitation in full and multiple day sessions.

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