(416) 985-2598 kim@weaveconsulting.ca


Weave can hand an organization the tools to unlock potential with customized training manuals, turn-key business solutions, and executional strategies to onboard with internal teams. Weave has developed training products for multiple industries including finance, tech and retail sectors as well as The Human Resources Professional Association.

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Unlock business potential

Weave has been formative in designing and implementing operational structures for both large multi-tiered organizations as well as small to medium sized entrepreneurial businesses. Weave can contribute to and provide fully developed business roll-out solutions.

Please contact Weave for assessments and customized organizational strategies.


Weave has been formative in designing and implementing programs utilized by training and assessment organizations around the world. Weave’s strategic sales models, curriculums, and leadership programs are utilized with tier 1 banking institutes, loyalty marketing and technology organizations, as well as The Human Resources Professional Association.

Please contact Weave for assessments and customized organizational resources.

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