(416) 985-2598 kim@weaveconsulting.ca



Jamie Good

Digital Fluency Coach

Jamie speaks and delivers workshops on digital and social media nationwide to help professionals become digitally fluent so they can future-proof their careers. His Unpacking Digital Transformation web series explores the future of work and how organizations and professionals can survive digital disruption.

Rebecca Lemaich

Human Resources, Facilitation 

Rebecca is an effective coach and facilitator, experienced in leading teams to serve global personnel, developing total compensation programs, instigating strategic and targeted organizational design initiatives, developing and implementing corporate HR strategies and building team effectiveness.

Lee-Anne McAlear


Lee-Anne McAlear works globally with Fortune 500 companies as a highly regarded specialist, speaking, leading and facilitating sessions on innovation. She is also Program Director at the Schulich School of Business Centre of Excellence in Innovation Management.


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